Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 More Than Just Weight Loss Week 4

Congratulations everyone for making it to the half way point of the More Than Just Weight Loss program! It is all down hill from here.

To review, we have all been focusing on reducing inflammation and supporting the immune function through the entire program, improved brain function in week one and weeks two and three we also address the gut. While we will of course continue with the inflammatory and immune support, we will not be moving into the phase I and II liver detoxification phase. 

Here are your supplemental recommendations for week four.
Hepato-Synergy – 1 packet twice daily
Days 1 thru 4
1 serving daily before breakfast
Days 5 thru 7
1 serving before breakfast and dinner

You can also add the following food choices into your plan:
Green teas
Fresh fruits
Beans (navy, white, red kidney, etc.)
Peas (fresh, split, snap)
Low to moderate amounts of meat, fowl and seafood per your Nutritional ID
Flaxseed oil in moderation



  1. Remember as mentioned in the webinar, you can also add rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat or tapioca. Only add one of these every 5 days to assess if this creates any challenges for you. This could be severe or minor such as bloating or noticeable anxiety or depression.

    You want to be careful because these are potential cross reactive foods.

  2. How about nuts? It looked to me like nuts and seeds are back in now with the exception of peanuts. Please confirm, because I started eating them again at 3am!

    1. Don't know if they're allowed, but with the few food groups left I personally can eat, I REALLY miss nuts! I know what you mean about the 3am - I didn't get up at 3, but after the Coconut Bliss conversation yesterday, I was really craving it. Home alone, streaming some TV on my computer last evening at 8pm, I had to eat a 4th meal: some salami and a Kombucha (yellow-light for me) to keep from walking the 5 minutes to Whole Foods to pick up a carton of Hazelnut Fudge Coconut Bliss!

    2. Way to stay strong and not get the coconut bliss Jaelin. I definitely would not recommend this for most.

      Funny, I was doing the same thing with some nitrate free lunch meats last night. Just kept feeding myself. Oh, and had a gingerade kombucha.

    3. Yes, organic, nitrate/nitrite-free salami and gingerade kombucha! We rock! :-D

  3. Do we finish out the repairvite with the clearvite or just move on to clearvite?

    1. Yes, continue with any GI supplements until they are gone.

  4. I have a similar question about RepairVite: I was taking RepairVite before the program started. I'm assuming I should continue, yes?

  5. To clarify, protein-types are to have the ClearVite BEFORE eating meat? I was very happy that the ClearVite tasted good, esp mixing it with water - my "tastes-too-good-to-be-ok-for-me-to-consume" bells were going off! LOL

    1. Yes, still have the Clearvite first. I'm with you on the taste. I did mine only in water and really enjoyed this.

  6. Hello Louanna,

    All nuts are still avoidance foods. Except of course for the few you had at 3:00AM.

    1. Glen,
      Not to be a total baby but for weeks 2 and 3 under foods to avoid it was very specific, "Nuts and Seeds: including almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds."

      For weeks 4-6 it only says "Peanuts or peanut butter" under foods to avoid. There is no more "Nuts and Seeds" category, and there is no other mention of other specific nuts/seeds to avoid.

      That is what led to my fervent hope that nuts would be included the last 3 weeks.

    2. Sorry but no nuts and seeds are allowed. I do not know why Apex puts nut butters on there specifically. I did just get some info today of something to assist with the mental/emotional component of the food addictions that may be of assistance for you and/or others.

  7. Couple things I discovered today- Clearvite with coconut milk is fabulous! Second is that I had rice with dinner tonight and was a tiny bit bloated- but 20min after dinner, while doing the dishes, my old back soreness/sacro-iliac soreness came back with a vengeance. Turns out rice may not be too good for me as I previously suspected. I'm guessing grains in general...

    1. Great recognition Manny! This is what we should all be being attention to when we introduce the non-gluten grains. Thank you for sharing...

  8. Glen,
    Now that we have started the liver detox and are reducing the protein, I noticed that I am extra tired in the afternoon. I do a small amount of exercise in the late morning, either 15 min of cardio, or some weight lifting and then 15 minutes of cardio. Can I increase the protein back or should I cut back on the exercise? Or do you have another suggestion?
    Thank you!

    1. I would suggest to slightly increase the protein. For my Protein Types, the reduction of protein may need to be very minimal.

  9. Okay, I haven't felt this sick in a long time. Sore stomach and had to come home cause I thought I was going to throw up. Does this mean something is finally happening in my gut - as I had no problems up til now - or could it be the veal/lamb dish Emily made for dinner last night - those are not meats I eat very often. As a mixed type, I also think it was too much protein for me. Thoughts, Glen?

  10. I would not suspect an over indulgence of protein to cause this for you. Perhaps a challenge with the meat and some food poisoning. If this is the case, taking about 100 billion of beneficial bacteria should do the trick. Update me tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Glen - I had some chamomile tea, went for a walk, then ate a pear with coconut cream and do feel a bit better. Is the beneficial bacteria the probiotics? or something else? thanks.

    2. That's even better! Yes, that is the probiotic.

  11. If anyone is still struggling with any withdrawals or emotional challenges with their nutrition, please let me know. I looked deeper into this and may be able to provide some relief.

    1. At my house, we are trying to figure out what you mean by emotional challenges...!?

    2. Yes please expound on emotional challenges as to food addictions. Thanks.

    3. Yes, I still hate vegetables!

    4. As we detox and our body is releasing old toxins, there can be an emotional release the coincides with this. While this does not happen with everyone, it is not uncommon. The use of homeopathic remedies can be very helpful at this time if this is an issue.

  12. Remember that on Sunday we go up to Clearvite before breakfast and dinner.

  13. Hey Glen,
    The last two nights I have had terribly restless, broken sleep. The only thing different I've done is add the Clearvite and Hepato synergy. Is it a detox symptom?
    Thank you.

    1. Same as mentioned below. If sleep is challenged around 2:00 to 3:00AM this is likely due to the liver. Let me know if this continues and we can address it. I will also create a separate post to address this.

  14. Happy Friday!

    I'm feeling good with exception of restless sleep, so I am also wondering if this is a liver detox symptom......few days lost sleep and one can begin to start acting loopy!

    1. Yes, the sleep is important. If this is due to the liver detox, this would most likely affect sleep around 2:00 or 3:00AM. Let me know if this continues so we can address it.

  15. I really cant stand the Clearvite - it doesn't matter what I put it in - the Stevia taste is so strong and leaves such a nasty after taste. I cannot stand Stevia at all in anything, so it is a real challenge to even get the Clearvite down. Any suggestions on how to kill the after taste?

    1. I find the Clearvite works well in a green smoothie. I hardly tasted it when I used it this way.

    2. I would recommend coconut milk with some blueberries.

  16. One thing I have noticed is that I have consistent energy throughout the day. The 3 o'clock drop is something I have struggled with for a long time, and that seems to have disappeared. Now though I am not sure what caused the drop, but I have given up soy - that may be the culprit. I switched to garbanzo beans and flax seeds in my salad for protein. Its pretty amazing to have energy all day long!

    1. I am so happy for your Vicki. I know you had some challenges early on and was confident this would shift for you. Better sooner than later of course. Keep up the great work!

  17. Glen, just in case you miss it above, yes, please expound on new insight for emotional challenges with food addiction. Thanks!

    1. I'm interested too! Kit

    2. There are two specific homeopathic remedies that I have researched for this. One is call Acute Rescue which is good to have on hand for an emotional meltdown. The other is called Gluco Balance and as was explained to me, this is referred to as will power in a bottle when it comes to cravings. Together these are a great combo if needed.

  18. I added lentils this week and experienced bloating. This was really surprising.

    My next experiment will be rice. Can't wait for Sunday to try it out.

  19. Thought you guys might enjoy this. I just received the results of my cross reactive blood test. I am intolerant to coffee, yeast, corn, rice, eggs and even every gluten free grain except for quinoa. Yikes and good to know all at the same time.

    1. Welcome to my world. :) Hey, why don't you give up dairy and potatoes, too, just for fun LOL

    2. Oh yeah, I forgot to say dairy also. Heck at least I can have some potato.

  20. If anyone is challenged with the liver detox, I would cut the Hepato Synergy down to once per day.

  21. Ok, you're probably gonna roll your eyes at this one :) Between the MTJWL supplements, Dr Chi's supplements I have just added and a few vitamins I take for adrenal fatigue, I have quite an intense supplement regimen and I want to make sure I am getting full benefit. When a supplement is supposed to be taken "before meals" or "after meals", what exactly does that mean? I've been taking the 'befores' as my food is cooking, I eat, then immediately take the 'afters'. This means, that the 'befores' and 'afters' are in the gi system all at the same time, right? I know these are not drugs, but typically drugs and food instructions are specific about whether they should be in the gi system at the same time as food i.e. "without food" is 1 hour before a meal or at least 2 hours after a meal; "with food" is within that time, preferably within 30 minutes. Also, sometimes I am in the middle of my meal or finished with my meal and remember that I forgot to take my 'before' meal supps. Should I take them as soon as I remember, or wait a couple hours after the meal?

    1. Optimally, I would say about 20 minutes before and after the meal. The 20 minutes is more important for the before meal rather than after. In a pinch, these are still effective in closer intervals. If you forget, just take them prior to your next meal.

  22. Good morning Glen,

    Please let me know if we order the two specific homeopathic remedies you suggested Acute Rescue and Gluco Balance through your center?

    Thank you

    Have a a great weekend!!!

  23. well, I got on the scale this morning and didn't lose any weight. I have been sick all week but was still following the plan. Hope next week is better. I still have no energy and I know I need to start exercising.I am still finding it a challenge to eat vegetables.
    Chuck hadn't been losing weight the past 2 weeks and he finally lost 2 lbs this week.

    1. Hopefully your illness clears up soon and the liver detox should actually help with this. How much has Chuck lost so far?

  24. Glen,
    As you know I am still in week 3. I was getting a sinus headache. I don't usually get headaches. I stopped the GI Synergy for a day. The headache went away except for the short 1 hour headache after lunch. I went back on the GI-Synergy once a day. Now I have a low grade headache. Which I can deal with if that's what's best to do right now in order complete this part of the cleanse. What do you think I should do?
    Thanks, Brenda Kong

    1. I would use this every other day for the next 6 days and then go back to one per day. Another option is to stay at one per day but pick up a homeopathic that I have at the office to address the low grade headache. Either way will work.

    2. Thanks Glen!
      I'm going in on Monday at 10:30 for my appt. with dr. Brad. Will you be there or can dr. Brad sell me the homeopathic?

  25. Are we allow to eat potatoes? And if not can i put it in a stew and not eat them?

  26. No, potato is not allowed but you can put them in the stew as long as you are not eating them.

    1. Please explain your reply. Wouldn't the starches and proteins of the potatoes be mixing around in the stew liquid? Maybe cuz it's not as crucial for her if potatoes aren't on her x-reactive list?

  27. Glen - I noticed that there IS Selenium in both the Hepato and Clearvite. I do remember my pituitary specialist saying that I shouldn't be taking anything with selenium --however, my thyroid doctor had actually given me selenium to take years ago to help my thyroid. (They obviously don't agree : ) In either case, I want to take these supplements - and it's only a few more weeks. My gut tells me I'll be fine using them, so unless you see an objection, please let me know.

    My weight loss has come to a dead halt since I started the liver protocol - but could be the other issues we discussed instead. (?)

    1. With the levels of selenium in this, I would not feel this is a concern. As far as the weight loss is concerned, this will cycle on and off through the program. This is actually common.

  28. Oh and let me clarify my statement above. The endrocrinologist originally thought the selenium would help with my fatigue and weight gain, but the pituitary specialist said that "given my particular pituitary issue" the selenium would do the opposite and cause me more fatique and weight gain. So, obviously I'm confused : )

    1. I can understand the confusion. Keep moving forward with the liver protocol and keep me updated. Wondering why you have not shared your weight loss for everyone. You should be very proud of yourself.

    2. Oh, the weight loss thing? Because I wasn't totally sure of my starting weight given the fact that the scale I had in CA was a little weird and totally different than the one I have here in IL which is non-digital. However, I do believe I have lost 9-10 pounds since the beginning based on this scale here.

      Secondly, because I am basically back at what I was six months ago and I would have to lose 15 more pounds to get back to the weight that seems more appropriate for me, so I feel I have a long way to go : ) But... am I happy that I'm not consistently adding weight with no end in sight?? You betcha!!! : )

    3. Keep up the great work Jeanette! You've gone through a lot to get here and the progress is now being seen.

  29. New question: I think this might have been asked before but I can't find the answer. Are chia seeds allowed? (I thought they were but couldn't remember.)

  30. Hallelujah......Finally a 1 lb "LOSS"

  31. In the last few days, I have developed severe photosensitivity. (No signs of eye infection.) Do you know if or can find out if that is a side effect of the HepatoSynergy, ClearVite or any of Dr Chi's products that I added in this week? (Myomin, VeinLite, Oxypower, Asparagus Extract and Liver Chi (which I dc'd Saturday per our discussion)

    1. Not likely the products on the program. I will address the others in an email since they do not tie into the program.

  32. FYI I did fine with GI Synergy twice a day, but I'm noticing quite a bit more gi discomfort now that I'm attributing to the Hepato Synergy. I'm going to stop that for a day, then pick back up at a once a day regimen.

    1. Just thinking...we took the GI Synergy after meals and were instructed to take Hepato Synergy before meals. That could be contributing to the gi discomfort. What do you think about taking the Hepato Synergy after meals?

    2. Were we supposed to take the GI synergy after meals!!?? I definitely didn't take them after meals...I took them before!! Glen!?

    3. I always suggest taking the GI Synergy either with the meal or right after, because these could be harsh on an empty stomach. With the Hepato Synergy, you can take this just before your meal. Good idea though to stop for a day and pick back up if it seems to be challenging.

  33. Several people have mentioned having done a cross reactive test is this something that i can have done or is it done only for a certain reason? Debbie

    1. This is used to determine what cross reactive foods are intolerant for you. I will discuss this in tomorrow's webinar.

  34. Are yams allowed for protein types?

    1. A yam is a part 3 food for a Protein Type. Broccoli is not a preferred vegetable but if you are consuming the correct protein, this should not be a challenge.

  35. Hi Emily -- Until Glen gets back on here -- I was pretty sure yams and brocolli were both OK for protein types. They are both definitely on our "allowable foods" list.

  36. That's what I thought too! It's just that I don't seem them anywhere on the stuff I printed off! Thanks so much.

    1. The reason broccoli is not on your list is because it does not contain the balancing purines for you. It is not hurting you though.

    2. Thanks for clearing that up Glen.

  37. I finally measured my waist today. Was nervous because I didn't want to get discouraged - but it seems I have lost 2 1/2 inches from my waist! How did that happen? I honestly didn't think it was possible, seriously. So thanks for keeping me on track, Glen and thanks to the other participants for keeping me going too : )

    1. I would guess that I can speak for everyone that we are proud that you stuck with it, even when everything seemed so hopeless. Great job Jeanette!

  38. I just realized I sounded like an "infomercial"! But it was real this time : )

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  40. I have been taking Clearvite, Repairvite and Hepato-Synergy for the past 2 weeks. I started with just one dosage of each. On Tuesday I increased this to a dose of everything in the morning and another at night. Ever since then every time I eat everything goes through me. Could this be a symptom due to detoxification?

    1. Yes, and this is likely pushing detoxification to quickly for you. I would back of to one Hepato-Synergy daily and keep me posted on your progress. Please email me your email address and I will invite you to our private FB page, where you receive closer attention.

    2. Sorry, my email is glen@depkewellness.com. Please send your email there. Thanks!

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